Opening Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am -12pm, 1pm - 4pm. Friday 8am-12pm. Phone 403-7938883.
Book Appointment
Please bring your Alberta Healthcare card with you when you have an appointment.
If you have changed your telephone number or address since your last visit, please notify our receptionist at your next visit.
If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment, please call our receptionist in advance.
​To book an appointment using our online Patient Portal Login you must first register in person at the clinic.
Our Online Patient Portal
From the link you will choose PATIENT and YES if you are already registered at our practice.
You will need the following information in order to sign in:
1. Alberta Health Care number.
2. Last name (on your valid health care card)
3. Birth date
4. Cell phone number or email address
If you choose mobile and receive an error please use the email address we have on file. If you still receive an error message please call the clinic to update your contact information.